75% of Food Crops Rely on Bees
BeeHero is committed to the welfare of honey bees.

What's in a Name?
In our case, it turns out it’s quite a lot. BeeHero says everything about us. We are their supporters. We are their advocates. We are their champions. From the very beginning, our name has been the lens through which we make decisions. It gives clarity to our mission and serves as a daily reminder of how important it is. After all is said and done, bees are the unsung heroes of agriculture. They pollinate the planet and power our food ecosystem.
Enter the Healthy Hive Index
We have developed data-driven tools that measure the impact of bee-friendly orchards on the overall welfare of bees. Tracking colony health during pollination requires visibility into these colonies on an unprecedented scale. Only BeeHero has the volume of aggregated data to achieve this.
By analyzing hive data derived from all of our monitored colonies, and in consultation with experts from the pollination community, BeeHero has developed a scientific model to create reports that help growers fulfill their sustainability goals.
And it’s Good for Business
These personalized bee health reports and certificates help crop producers benefit from the wave of consumer demand for ethically sourced food ingredients. This can be a powerful market differentiator and can translate directly into an advantage when working with other supply chain stakeholders.

Healthy Ecosystems Require Stable Wild Pollinator Populations
Across the spectrum, wild pollinators including wasps, flies, and beetles, many solitary bee species, moths and butterflies, are all under pressure. Habitat loss, fossil fuel-based agricultural inputs and other drivers all contribute to population decline.
Only by accurately tracking population levels can conservation work be effective. BeeHero’s acoustic detection technology can greatly improve the accuracy of species monitoring.
Our ESG Commitment
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices are an increasingly important component of corporate responsibility and reputation. BeeHero fulfills its obligations in several demonstrable ways.