Research is
our Foundation
BeeHero is evidence-based and
with a world-class research team.
Collaborations Around the World
With teams in California, England, Italy and Israel, we are at the cutting edge of bee and pollination research. Our research scientists are involved in projects worldwide. Ranging from partnering with the USDA to detect the presence of the Giant Asian Hornet in the remote Pacific Northwest, to studying how bees pollinate onion seed flowers in the Sinai desert in Israel. Every day, BeeHero research contributes to the scientific literature on bees and pollination.
Global Research Projects
Northern Hornet
Washington State
The Northern Giant Hornet poses an existential threat to American bees and beekeepers. We are partnering with the USDA by leveraging our sensor’s acoustic features to help track these hornets.
Research Lab
University of Belgrade
BeeHero is conducting in-field experiments to identify a native bee on a small island off the Tuscan coast. We are also working with the University of Belgrade to study bee vectoring of fungal spores as a biological control agent, as an alternative to pesticides.
Varroa Monitoring
Germany & Tel Aviv
Hohenheim University &
Shamir Institute, Haifa University
A joint project to evaluate several Varroa monitoring methodologies. This collaboration will allow BeeHero to further develop Varroa detection capability, which has a huge impact on honey bee health and on the viability of the entire beekeeping industry.
Bee Genetics
A joint project with the USDA Carl Hayden Bee Research Center in Tucson. The project was designed to evaluate the difference in bee behavior and efficacy in almond pollination between Russian, Poll Line, and standard stock bees.
Research Lab
University of Belgrade
BeeHero is conducting in-field experiments to identify a native bee on a small island off the Tuscan coast. We are also working with the University of Belgrade to study bee vectoring of fungal spores as a biological control agent, as an alternative to pesticides.
Research Apiary
Kanot Apiaries
Research efforts in Israel are used to perfect our machine learning algorithms and models leading to constant improvements in their accuracy and further product development.
Just Ask George: Q&A Video Series
We sit down with BeeHero’s Head of Scientific Strategy, George Clouston, to answer a few essential questions regarding hive health and the key benefits of using BeeHero technology in your day-to-day operation.
Interested in Collaborating?
If you are conducting any current or future research and have interest in partnering with BeeHero, we would love to hear from you. Drop us a line and we will get in touch as soon as possible.
Introducing the BeeHero Healthy Hive Index
Bees are the unsung hero of the agricultural industry; they pollinate the planet and power our food ecosystem. Sadly, bees have been dying in record numbers for years. To combat this, we wanted to develop a data-driven tool that could measure the impact of bee-friendly orchards on the overall welfare of bees.
The Impact of Adverse Weather on Almond Pollination 2023
This research is the work of BeeHero's Head of Scientific Strategy, George Clouston, and Head of Bio Research, Dr. Doreet Avni. It provides detailed information and insight into the impact of California's recent adverse weather conditions on this year's almond pollination.
BeeHero Pollination Research Stations
California-based BeeHero is rolling out a network of strategically placed Pollination Research Stations statewide, covering all major growing regions and cultivars. Each location will be equipped with specialized sensors to monitor the hives, local weather conditions, and bloom progress.
Pollination Affects the Nutritional Quality of Almonds
While the benefits of bee pollination to almond crop yield are well understood, there is less data about the impact on nutritional quality. We review a study that found cross-pollinated almonds have a higher nutritional quality in terms of fat composition than self-pollinated almonds.
Is a Pollination Crisis
Looming for Almond Growers?
Every year, almond acreage expands while the population of honeybees, beset by a host of health problems, struggles to keep pace. A recent supply and demand analysis has forecast that available hive capacity for almond pollination could be exceeded by 2023.
Do Self-Pollinating Almonds Still Need Bees?
A recent study has identified the true pollinator dependence of the self-fertile independence almond variety. Fruit set was 60% higher in bee pollinated trees, which translated into a 20% increase in yield and 10% increase in net profit.
Every Bee Counts
Bee flight hours are widely used as a proxy for honey bee foraging activity during almond bloom. However, emerging sensor technology now enables the accurate counting of every bee leaving and entering a hive! This article presents some fascinating data generated from the unique bee counter and explores its potential for predicting crop yields.
Planning Almond Pollination Precisely
Advances in data analytics now make it possible to calculate individual almond orchards’ pollination needs more precisely. Our pollination planner combines data about the local environment, tree density, age, etc. with knowledge about bee foraging behavior to calculate the optimum pollination force for specific situations.
The Honey Bee
Welfare Challenge
Honey bees are indispensable to agriculture. Therefore, it seems natural to include them in the animal welfare debate. But can the more holistic approach to measure livestock well-being in other farming sectors be applied to honey bees? Smart hives equipped with sensors could provide the solution, providing new insights into honey bee health and welfare.