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Crop Pollination
Our end-to-end solution gives
unprecedented control and visibility into pollination.
Work With the Pollination Experts
BeeHero is comprised of leading experts in the field of pollination. Bee biologists and researchers, data-science experts, electrical engineers, leading agronomists, and veteran beekeepers make up our team, and all are committed to creating improved pollination outcomes for our customers.
BeeHero Has Pollination Locations Around the World
In 2023, BeeHero collaborated with four orchards in Washington State’s Yakima Valley to gather data during the apple bloom. Our In-Field Pollination Insight Platform captured data on how growers can use hive removal timing to reduce thinning expenses.
Avocado trees require cross-pollination to produce fruit, and honey bees play a crucial role in this process. BeeHero monitors bee activity in real time throughout the pollination period to assess activity at different times of the day, different parts of the orchard, and also in relation to bloom status and weather conditions.
Blueberry flowers are generally less attractive to honey bees than other flowers. Bees brought in to perform pollination may be attracted to competing forage which can lead to reduced pollination efficacy. This means, to deliver effective and optimized pollination outcomes, the measurement of flower visitation rates by pollinating bees will be critical.
Canola Seed
Bee pollination is essential for the production of hybrid canola seeds, which are produced by cross-pollinating two different parental lines. As well as assessing the quality and strength of hives delivered, BeeHero can monitor activity in the field and the amount of cross pollination. This provides invaluable insights for pollination management as well as crop planting and management.
Onion Seed
To set seed, honey bees need to move pollen between male and female plants. They tend to find the male lines more attractive and have a tendency to move up and down rows instead of crossing between the lines. We can help producers estimate the optimum pollination input for different varietal combinations, planting densities and male/female row configurations.
Carrot Seed
Carrot flowers produce less nectar and have less protein-rich pollen than other plants, so bees may be attracted to competing forage. Our In-Field Pollination Insight Platform provides visibility into the strength and foraging effectiveness of each colony of bees that a grower contracts to ensure the best pollination outcome.
Honey bees are a vital component in cross-pollinating a variety of cherry cultivars. With our technology, growers have insight into the strength of every colony that is delivered for pollination combined with real-time monitoring of colony activity throughout the bloom period.
Raspberries can self-pollinate, but require insect pollination to maximize yield. The effectiveness of pollination affects the size, shape, and quantity of fruit produced. BeeHero can provide growers with assurance that they are getting the most effective pollination outcome possible.
Our In-Field sensor can effectively monitor pollination in Cucurbit crops by tracking bee activity between male and female plants. With a pollination window as short as 4 hours, it's vital to know that there is sufficient bee activity happening at the right time.
Macadamia trees require cross-pollination to produce fruit, and honey bees play a crucial role in this process along with other native pollinators. Little research has been done in Macadamia pollination and the use of BeeHero's technology suite will greatly enhance the understanding and requirements of this crop.
Don't See Your Crop?
If your crop relies on bees for pollination, we would love to talk to see how we can improve your pollination. Whether through optimized placement, more precise timing of bee removal, or simply more efficient and cost-effective outcomes, contact us today to see how we can work together.